3 AC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners in Springfield, IL

Pets release fur and dander that can affect an air conditioner’s efficiency and performance. Therefore, pet owners in Springfield, IL, need to take extra care of their air conditioner with routine AC maintenance.

Change the Air Filter Often

Your family enjoys fresh indoor air thanks to the AC system’s air filter. The filter catches pollutants, such as pet dander and fur, that lead to health issues such as headaches, throat irritations, watery eyes, sneezing and runny nose.

If these pollutants enter the air conditioner, they can cause cooling problems ranging from increased strain on the system to more frequent breakdowns. Change your filter regularly to avoid these issues; we recommend every month.

Schedule AC Maintenance Services

If your pets’ fur and dander accumulate on your AC components, they can interfere with the efficiency of these parts. For instance, a dirty evaporator coil cannot efficiently absorb heat from your indoor air.

AC maintenance services includes cleaning these parts, allowing them to operate at high levels of efficiency. The visiting service technicians will also repair faulty components, lubricate moving parts and fix leaks. It’s advisable to have your AC system serviced every spring.

Protect the Outdoor Unit

For heat pumps and air conditioners, the outdoor unit helps to transfer heat between indoor air and the environment. The unit should always have unobstructed airflow to carry out this essential role.

While your pets enjoy their time outdoors, they may rub against this unit and drop fur or urinate on it. The fur clogs the unit, while the urine corrodes the refrigerant lines with time. Putting up a fence around the unit keeps pets away.

Pet owners will prevent their AC systems from overstraining by adopting the discussed practices. Call the air conditioning experts at Yard Heating & Cooling if your system has issues.

Image provided by iStock

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