Why Does Ice Keep Forming on My Air Conditioner?

If you ever find ice forming on the air conditioner in your Springfield, IL, home, it means that something is wrong with your system. Understanding why this happens can help you fix the issue before it leads to most significant and costlier problems. Here are some possible reasons ice might keep forming on your air conditioner:

Dirty Air Filters

Dirty air filters can be a major cause of ice on your AC system. When debris clogs the filters, it restricts airflow. This means the coils don’t get enough warm air to keep them from freezing. This lack of airflow causes the temperature inside the air conditioner to drop and results in ice buildup. Therefore, you must perform this maintenance task regularly.

Low Refrigerant Levels

Low refrigerant can also cause your AC system to freeze up. Refrigerant is essential for cooling the air, but when the levels are low, the pressure in the system drops. This pressure drop can cause the coils to get too cold and ice to form.

Blocked Vents

Blocked vents can also lead to ice on your air conditioner. When furniture or other objects block the vents, the air cannot circulate properly. This poor circulation can make the coils too cold.

Malfunctioning Thermostat

A malfunctioning thermostat might be to blame as well. When the thermostat doesn’t work as it should, it can make the AC system run longer than it should. The coils can freeze up when the AC system runs constantly.

Fan Problems in the Air Conditioner

When your air conditioner’s fan isn’t working correctly, the system cannot move air across the coils effectively. Insufficient airflow will make the coils too cold, which results in ice buildup. Make sure the fan is running smoothly to prevent this issue.

Ice forming on your air conditioner is more than an inconvenience. It means your AC system needs attention. So hurry up and reach out to our highly experienced team at Yard Heating & Cooling for an AC repair straight away.

Image provided by iStock

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